From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

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SAP Project System (PS)

SAP Project System (PS) - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

SAP Project System (PS)

- [Instructor] SAP Project System abbreviated PS is SAP's integrated project management tool. SAP Project System enables companies to manage all projects, large or small scale throughout their life cycle. This includes project planning, execution and completion. The project system module supports projects that are financed internally and externally. Internally financed projects are projects related to capital investments or overhead cost projects. And these projects are funded by the companies themselves. On the other hand, there are externally financed projects. These are the projects which are sponsored by clients and are executed to meet client requirements. The key component of SAP Project System is the work breakdown structure called WBS. WBS forms the basis for organization and coordination in a project. It shows the amount of work required, how much time each segment of the project will take, and the costs involved.…
