From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

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SAP ERP modules

SAP ERP modules

- [Instructor] SAP ERP is broken up into different modules that all interact with each other to form a comprehensive solution. Let's look at a very high level overview. There are two types of modules in SAP, technical modules and functional modules. Technical modules deal with SAP infrastructure. Work done in technical modules make sure the system runs correctly. Developing or maintaining functional applications is completed in technical modules. Because of this, most SAP end users never come in direct contact with any technical modules. We'll spend most of our time focusing on functional modules. Functional modules support transactions that align with business processes. These modules have very strong integration. This means they send information between each other very efficiently, and this is one of the biggest strengths of SAP. There are many functional modules in SAP. Each organization can choose which modules they…
