From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

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Reporting layouts in SAP

Reporting layouts in SAP - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

Reporting layouts in SAP

- [Instructor] After executing a report, SAP gives us our results in a standard format. The output won't always display all the fields we need. And sometimes the format is not very easy for us to work with. To fix this, we can edit the layout of our report results and save it as what SAP calls a display variant. To demonstrate, we'll run our list of sales order report. To enter this transaction, we'll enter T code va05 and press Enter. We're going to run this report without any selection criteria, so we'll press Execute. A great trick when running any report is to optimize the width of all of our columns. To do this, we'll right-click and choose Optimize Width. This makes the data much easier for us to work with. Our default output has 11 columns. By default, the system is displaying only the data it thinks is important. There are many hidden rows of data. To see these, we'll click the Change Layout icon. This brings up…
