From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

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Menu tree navigation in SAP

Menu tree navigation in SAP - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP ERP Essential Training

Menu tree navigation in SAP

- [Instructor] Now that we've logged on to SAP, we're here on the SAP easy access screen. To do anything in SAP, we need to enter into what is called a transaction. Transactions can be entered using two methods. First, transaction codes can be entered in our command field. The other way to enter a transaction is using the menu tree. In our SAP menu screen, the folders and their associated transactions are organized by business area. Let's imagine that we are looking for accounts receivable transactions so we can post incoming payments. We're going to use the SAP menu tree to drill down to find the appropriate transaction. First, we'll expand the accounting folder. Then we'll expand the financial accounting folder. Here, we see the accounts receivable folder and can expand that. Again, we want to post incoming payments. This transaction is under document entry, so we'll expand that folder. Here, we see F-28 incoming…
