From the course: Sales Management Foundations

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Motivating salespeople

Motivating salespeople

- Perhaps the hardest part of the sales job is how to stay motivated. And that's where you, the sales manager comes in. Creating competency means hiring and training great salespeople, but it also means keeping them motivated. Why motivate? Well, it creates enthusiasm for the job and reduces job turnover. Motivated reps are more productive and more confident in their ability to accomplish the sales task. Motivated reps get less frustrated and they stay on track to get the job done. The most successful sales managers use a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards to motivate salespeople. Intrinsic rewards include giving reps autonomy and freedom to do their jobs, reminding them that they are selling interesting and useful products that help their customers, and giving them a sense that the company is loyal to them. Extrinsic rewards can be both financial and nonfinancial, and these include salary and bonuses, sales…
