From the course: Sales Management Foundations

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Measuring sales performance

Measuring sales performance

- Sales managers hold their team members accountable for achieving results given the sales task. But to do that, you first have to measure results. Here's how, first, be sure to measure both the outputs of your sales rep, as well as the inputs. The outputs include things like their sales revenue, number of units sold, gross margin, and number of new accounts. Inputs are the rep's activities that go into achieving the sales task. These include things like the number of calls they make each day, the number of days worked, the actual selling time per call, as well as things like the number of phone calls made to prospective clients. Inputs are what the reps do to generate outputs. But the most effective way to measure it is to look at the ratios of the inputs and the outputs. Here's an example. Imagine you're evaluating two sales reps. One of them has made 100 sales calls this month and the other has made only 90. So which…
