From the course: Sales Management Foundations

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Defining the sales task

Defining the sales task

- Defining the sales task is the first and most important step in the sales management process. A well-defined sales task lays down the foundation upon which everything else is built. There are four questions you answer to define the sales task. First, which customers are we going after? Now, it may seem obvious but salespeople are more effective when they have a clear target. And the more detailed you can be, the better. For example, if you're selling medical equipment to hospitals, your direction might sound like this. Call on all purchasing managers in hospitals with more than 100 beds within these zip codes. Next, you decide what products and services you want the team to sell. Now, once again, the more detailed you can be, the better. Using our medical example, your direction might be this. Sell diagnostic equipment to cancer centers, sell surgical equipment to community hospitals. And so on. Now, this is…
