From the course: Sales Management Foundations

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Creating the virtual sales task

Creating the virtual sales task

- Sales managers must be adaptive and flexible to changes in the marketplace. And given today's new work environment, this is more true than ever. As with everything else in sales management, it starts with the sales task, which is your playbook for success. Let's look at how to take your current sales task and update it to include more components that are virtual. There are four questions you answer to define the sales task. First, which customers are we going after? Now, in a virtual world, you and your marketing colleagues may want to revise how you think about the customers you go after. Virtual sales calls may give you more access to different types of customers, for example. Next, you decide what products and services you want the team to sell. Now, this probably won't change too much, but you may find that you're able to provide a new level of sales support using virtual technologies. And if so, you should…
