From the course: Responsive Layout

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Grid template areas

Grid template areas - HTML Tutorial

From the course: Responsive Layout

Grid template areas

- [Instructor] Grid-template-areas allows you to give individual cells in the grid names, and then place specific elements into those grid cells. We're starting out with three columns. We're gonna use the property grid-template-areas to name some of those grid cells. You don't need to name all of the cells in the grid. We're actually going to name a few of them right now. The cells that you give names to will start at the top left. For each row in the grid, you have a set of quotation marks, then inside it, you have the item name separated by a space. Under the container element, I'm going to add grid-template-areas colon, and then on a new line, quotation mark, I'm going to name them apple, space, orange, closing quotation mark, and save. Going over here to refresh, you can see because I've turned on display area names in the dev tools, it shows the name of each of those cells directly over them. We're going to go back and add names on a few more rows. On the next row, I'm going to…
