From the course: Responsive Layout

Go cross-platform with responsive design - HTML Tutorial

From the course: Responsive Layout

Go cross-platform with responsive design

- [Clarissa] Back in the olden days of web design, there were very few ways to move things around on the screen, and we had to rely on hacks to get things to look the way we wanted. Now, with so many more different devices to design for, we face new challenges, but HTML and CSS have tons of new features and properties to help us do our jobs. Hi, I'm Clarissa Peterson, and welcome to this course on responsive layout. In this course, we'll learn the basics of web page layout, including CSS Grid and Flexbox. We'll start out with some of the basics of page structure and layout. Then we'll dive into the details of CSS Grid Layout and Flexbox, including all the properties you'll need for each. Then we'll go through examples of a few different ways to lay out a webpage using Grid, Flexbox, and both of them together. Now let's get started with Responsive Layout.
