From the course: Responsive Layout

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Flexbox alignment overview

Flexbox alignment overview - HTML Tutorial

From the course: Responsive Layout

Flexbox alignment overview

- [Instructor] There are four different properties in Flexbox that are used to align and position flex items. This is only an overview of the difference between the four properties. We'll look at all the possible values over the next few videos. Note that the property names are the same as some of the Grid properties, and they are fairly similar in how they work. One thing that you need to remember that is different for Flexbox than for Grid is that you can change the direction of the flex container using flex direction, so all of these properties apply along a particular axis, whichever direction it is going. First, there's justify-content. This positions the flex items along the main axis within the flex container. If you're using the default flex direction, then it's left to right. This property is applied to the container element. Note that the values are slightly different than for Grid. For all of the Flexbox properties, instead of start and end, the values are flex-start and…
