From the course: Responsive Layout

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Browser support

Browser support - HTML Tutorial

From the course: Responsive Layout

Browser support

- [Instructor] Although Flexbox and Grid have wide support in modern browsers, there will still be some users who are using browsers that do not support these parts of CSS. In particular, users in countries outside of North America and Europe are more likely to be using older devices, older browsers or inexpensive mobile phones that lack support for Flexbox and Grid. With responsive design, you want your layout to look good in all different viewport sizes but also you want to make it usable for as many people as possible. It may not look the way you want it to look in these older or inexpensive devices but you can at least make sure the site works correctly and allows users to read all the content. Browsers ignore CSS that they don't understand. So, if a browser doesn't understand Flexbox or Grid, it just ignores that CSS. If you made sure to create your HTML in a good order, then the content will be displayed in that order. Often this is enough to make sure that users can at least…
