From the course: ReCap Workflow for Reality Capture

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Simple imports using different settings

Simple imports using different settings

From the course: ReCap Workflow for Reality Capture

Simple imports using different settings

- [Instructor] When you import scans into a ReCap project, there's lots of settings that you can choose from that have an impact on exactly how those points are imported into the projects, which ones are kept and which ones are discarded. Last time we looked at this, we just accepted all of the defaults. So in this video, I'm gonna show you what the impact of changing some of those default settings are, and we'll look at several examples to do that. Now, I'm not providing exercise files for this video. The file size of all of those files would just be too big. It would make it prohibitive in the download. What I'm doing instead is I will give you the raw scan file so if you are interested, you are welcome to recreate each of these projects on your own, to see first hand the impact of changing the different settings or if you prefer, you can just simply watch the video and see the results of the completed files that I'm going to show you. So let's go to the default settings first. So…
