From the course: ReCap Workflow for Reality Capture

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Selection techniques

Selection techniques

- In this video, I want to talk about the selection tools that we can use when working in our point cloud. So any modification that you want to make to the point cloud will obviously start with a selection and we have three basic tools to help us do that. We have a window, we have a fence and a plane selection tool. So they're all pretty straight forward, but let me just run through each one so that you can practice with them. The window tool is perhaps the easiest and most intuitive one to use. It's already selected by default, so you can see it right down here. And all you need to do is drag a couple points on-screen to make a selection. Now the selection color is this white color, so because many of my points here are white it's a little difficult to see the selection that I have. So I'll press the escape key to deselect that and I'll select it in another area where we've got some color and it should be a little bit more obvious what I've selected in that case. So, you'll get used…
