From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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- [Instructor] The Raspberry Pi is to the internet of things like a telescope is to astronomy. In other words, the Raspberry Pi is a great platform to explore embedded computing and the internet of things. It's simple enough to be useful for quick experiments and sophisticated enough to be useful for serious projects. For example, the GPIO provides I squared C, SPI, and PWM interfaces. These are sophisticated industry standard ways to communicate between the Raspberry Pi and electronic components. When you're ready to learn more about these protocols, I suggest watching "Raspberry Pi: GPIO," available in this library. If your interest is to use the Raspberry Pi to create a media server or a retro game console, you'll also find courses on these applications here in the library. In fact, you might even want to check out the Raspberry Pi learning path. You'll learn to set up your Raspberry Pi to connect to networks and devices, master basic electronics, and build useful infrastructure on…
