From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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What is the Raspberry Pi OS desktop

What is the Raspberry Pi OS desktop

From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

What is the Raspberry Pi OS desktop

- [Instructor] It's easy to confuse the Raspberry PI with the Raspberry PI OS. Raspberry PI is the hardware, Raspberry PI iOS is the operating system that runs on that hardware. The Raspberry PI can run a range of different operating systems and the Raspberry PI OS can run on a range of different computers. The Raspberry PI Foundation provides the desktop version, so you can install the Raspberry PI OS on your desktop. There are other versions of Linux like this. For example, Linux Mint is a popular version of Ubuntu Linux that can be installed on old laptops. These versions of Linux have the advantage of running on computers that may be too old to run current versions of Windows. Applications that may no longer be supported on Windows often have a current or comparable version for Linux. The advantage of the Raspberry PI Desktop over other Linux installations is familiarity. If you've been using a Raspberry PI, you already know pretty much everything about this desktop version…
