From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Understand the Raspberry Pi family

Understand the Raspberry Pi family

From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

Understand the Raspberry Pi family

- [Instructor] Before you can experiment with a Raspberry Pi you'll need to buy one, but which one? There is an entire family of Raspberry Pi configurations. And although you can't make a bad choice, you may be able to make a better choice if you know more about them. By the way, in this segment, I'm only talking about the Raspberry Pi computers. Later on I'll discuss Raspberry Pi accessories, such as cameras and sound cards. I'll assume there are four reasons why someone would buy a Raspberry Pi. Field work, general experimentation, embedded computing and education. Let's start with a Raspberry Pi for field data collection. Field work is when you collect data outdoors, like a weather station, animal surveillance or space exploration. Field work is typically power constricted exposed to foul weather and requires a use of sensors and cameras. I'd suggest you consider using a Raspberry Pi Zero. These require minimal power and can run off a battery. Because of their small size, they can…
