From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Start your Raspberry Pi

Start your Raspberry Pi

- [Instructor] The most daunting part of Raspberry Pi, is starting it for the first time. So let's together, connect and start your Raspberry Pi. After each step, pause the video, complete the connection and then restart the video. It's okay. I'll wait patiently for you to return. For this video, you'll need the following ingredients: a Raspberry Pi, a keyboard, a mouse, a monitor, an SD card and a power supply. Pause the video while you gather all these parts. And then when you're ready, press start and we'll connect them to the Raspberry Pi. Connecting the Raspberry Pi is simple. Physically, you can't plug things in wrong, but be careful. It is possible to snap connectors off the board, if you use too much force. Clear your workspace of any metal that might cause an electrical short. This includes things like paper clips and metal pens or staples. Before plugging anything into the Raspberry Pi, be sure to disconnect power. Insert the formatted SD card in the slot on the underside of…
