From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Sources for other Raspberry Pi operating systems

Sources for other Raspberry Pi operating systems

From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

Sources for other Raspberry Pi operating systems

- [Instructor] You may have noticed the Raspberry Pi Imager offers more than just the Raspberry Pi OS. These additional SD card images provide a simple way to customize your Raspberry Pi for other purposes. Let's take a look at some of these options. Click on the choose OS button to see these options. You'll see a dialogue with several submenus. The first option is a version of the Raspberry Pi operating system with a desktop GUI, but not all of the recommended applications. Click on the first option, Raspberry Pi OS, other, to see additional Raspberry Pi OS options. One of these is the Raspberry Pi OS without a desktop UI. The second is the Raspberry Pi OS with all the recommended software installed. Return back to the main menu, then click on Other General Purpose OS to see alternative OSs for use on your Raspberry Pi. Currently, these include Ubuntu, Manjaro and RISC OS. If you'd like to experiment with different operating systems, give these a try. Each OS has a community of…
