From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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- [Instructor] Sound from the Raspberry Pi comes from one of five sources, the 3.5 millimeter jack, HDMI, the GPIO, USB, or Bluetooth. In a previous video, we discussed the 35 millimeter jack, HDMI, and Bluetooth. In this session, let's discuss sound via the GPIO, add-on cards, and USB sound cards. USB sound cards are an inexpensive solution for both sound in and sound out. Not all cards or chip sets are compatible, and in some cases, USB cards just simply don't work. Solving this problem involves a lot of configuration. I found it easier just to purchase a compatible card. When you have a compatible USB card, simply plug it into a USB port, then connect speakers to the output jack. Now, right-click on the Audio menu to select the USB card as the audio device. An additional benefit of a USB sound card is the ability to add a microphone. This is a bit trickier, since you'll need software to capture the audio signal. To connect a microphone, plug it into the USB sound card, and then…
