From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Select a keyboard and mouse

Select a keyboard and mouse

- [Instructor] Keyboards and mice are easy. Anything with a USB connection works. For some models, the Raspberry Pi supports Bluetooth as well. In general, keep this simple. A two-button mouse is sufficient, and a standard keyboard will work just fine. There is one catch with the Raspberry Pi Zero. Look closely at this picture. Do you notice there aren't any full-size USB ports? The Raspberry Pi Zero requires something called a USB On-The-Go connector. That's often abbreviated as OTG. Specifically, you'll need a USB OTG micro B to A cable. Also note, this only provides one USB port. If you need more, for example, your keyboard doesn't have a USB port for a mouse, then you'll need some sort of a USB hub. Compare that to the Raspberry Pi 4, which has multiple full-size USB ports. So this is only a concern with the Raspberry Pi Zero, and it's easy to deal with if you're aware of the solution.
