From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Raspberry Pi 400 laptop

Raspberry Pi 400 laptop

- [Instructor] Ever since the Raspberry Pi was introduced, experimenters have used it for home-brew laptops. In particular, schools have turned to the Raspberry Pi as a way to teach programming skills without making a large investment in computers. Enter the Raspberry Pi 400, which could easily be mistaken for just a keyboard, but don't be fooled. It's a full-blown computer. Just plug in a mouse and a monitor, and away you go. Some versions even include a pre-built SD card. Overall, there isn't much unusual about the 400, but there are a few things you should take note of. Foremost, the Raspberry Pi 400 is designed as a laptop for educational use. It's easy to set up with readily available parts. You can purchase the 400 as just a keyboard. The price is about $70. It's also available as a kit, which includes a mouse, power adapter, SD card, instruction manual, and HDMI adapter. Cost of this kit is about $100. On the back of the keyboard, there is an SD card slot, ports for two HDMI…
