From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Moving ahead with the Pico

Moving ahead with the Pico

- [Instructor] The Raspberry Pi Pico is a simple device to get started. And once you get past the setup, it offers a rich world of possibilities. A full discussion of the Pico would fill a separate course. So let's look at a few advanced aspects related to the Pico. If you're going in depth with the Pico, you'll want to bookmark the extensive documentation available At that site, you'll find complete documentation on MicroPython, C++ and a technical specification on the Pico and RP2040. It's heady stuff, be prepared for a technical read, but anything you might need to know is explained in these pages. This includes a complete pinup diagram of the Pico, including the location of analog to digital converters, UART, SPI, I²C and debugging pins. We discussed programming the Pico in a language called MicroPython. It's a focused version of Python that starts with the full version of Python and then removes anything that is inoperable on the Pico. For example…
