From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Introducing GPIO

Introducing GPIO

- [Instructor] The Raspberry PI provides a set of interface pins that are used to connect the Raspberry PI to external electronics. These pins are the general purpose input output, or GPIO for short. Before we go any further, please be aware that these pins are connected directly to the CPU of the Raspberry PI. If you apply the wrong voltages or short out two pins, you can easily destroy your Raspberry PI. Don't be afraid of experimenting, but learn about the GPIO before you connect to it. In this session, I'm going to provide a brief overview of the GPIO. When you're ready to know more, there is a complete course in this library that discusses the Raspberry PI GPIO in depth. There are two options for experimenting with the GPIO, HATs or build your own. HATs or Hardware Attached on Top are pre-built boards that mount on the GPIO pins and provide specific functionality. An example is the sense HAT provided by the Raspberry PI Foundation. This HAT provides easy access to an eight by…
