From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Install a programming language

Install a programming language

- [Instructor] After you've set up the Pico, your next step is to choose a programming language. Most people start with MicroPython, although there are other languages I'll talk about in a later chapter. To install, you'll need a Raspberry Pi or other laptop as well as a USB-to-USB micro cable. First, you'll need to download the MicroPython UF2 file. I'm going to use a Raspberry Pi 4 to configure the Pico. You can do this on any laptop with a USB port. On whatever computer you'll be using to configure the Pico, open a browser to Select the MicroPython icon, then scroll down and download the MicroPython UF2 file. This will save a file to your Downloads folder. Now connect the USB cable to the laptop or Raspberry Pi. Before you connect the other end of the cable to the Pico, hold down the BOOTSEL button. Keep holding the BOOTSEL button, then connect the USB cable. Count to three, then release the BOOTSEL button. In a minute, you'll see your Pico appear on your…
