From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Building or buying an operating system

Building or buying an operating system

From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

Building or buying an operating system

- [Instructor] You'll need an operating system for your Raspberry Pi, and you'll need to put that operating system on an SD card. You have two options, build the card yourself or buy a pre-configured SD card. If your computer doesn't have an SD card slot, you won't be able to build a boot card for your Raspberry Pi. In this case, you'll need to buy a pre-made card. Pre-configured cards can be bought from suppliers such as Adafruit or others. Expect to pay about $10 for a micro SD card with an adapter. Recently, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released a formatting tool that simplifies the process of creating a bootable SD card. I highly recommend this over any other process. Downloading the formatting tool is easy. Select the operating system, hit Download, then run the result. Unlike previous versions of the NOOBS version of the installer, this new installer requires an internet connection. You're given three buttons, choose OS, choose SD card, and write. Start with choosing an operating…
