From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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Alternatives to VNC

Alternatives to VNC

- [Instructor] I've been talking quite a bit about VNC. It's a convenient way to extend the usefulness of a Raspberry Pi, but there are two alternatives to VNC. SSH and TTY. They're a bit more technical to set up and use, but can be really useful in certain circumstances. SSH or Secure Shell is a command line interface alternative to the graphic user interface most people see when using a Raspberry Pi. It provides access to Linux commands, such as LS to list the contents of a directory, or MV to rename or move a file. If you've ever opened up the Mackintosh terminal or a Windows console, you've opened up a shell. SSH provides a terminal for one computer to control another computer. It has the advantage of being smaller and faster, which is good if you're running a Raspberry Pi on a battery. Using SSH means you can use the lightest Raspberry Pi OS, saving disc space and battery power. However, it does mean you need to understand Linux commands. To set up SSH on a Raspberry Pi you'll…
