From the course: Raspberry Pi Essential Training

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A small Pico application

A small Pico application

- [Instructor] At this point in the course, you have a Raspberry Pi Pico speaking to either a laptop or a Raspberry Pi. I've suggested you use Thonny as a Python IDE, and you've seen the Pico Python interpreter tell you it's ready to start work. Let's give it a quick job. First, confirm you're talking to the Pico. Look at the pop-up in the lower right corner. If it doesn't say something about Raspberry Pi Pico, select the option that does. This means you're talking to the Pico rather than the Python interpreter on the laptop or Raspberry Pi. In the >>> prompt in the Console, type in, print("Hello"), then hit Return. No surprise. The Pico echoes back, "Hello. Well done. "You're programming the Pico." Now let's do something a little bit more interesting. In Thonny, click on File, Open. You'll immediately be asked if you want to open a file from the local machine or from the Pico. In this case, select the local machine and navigate to your Exercise Files folder. In the Exercise Files…
