From the course: Product Management: Launching Your Product

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Your guide for a product stakeholder communications plan

Your guide for a product stakeholder communications plan

From the course: Product Management: Launching Your Product

Your guide for a product stakeholder communications plan

- Have you ever worked hard on a project and then somewhere along the line got blindsided when a powerful manager or influencer slowed things down or brought them to a complete halt? This can be incredibly frustrating especially when you believe you've been doing your best to communicate frequently with all the right players. How and when you engage with stakeholders matters. Send too much information to a stakeholder who isn't that interested and they ignore everything, missing key details for your product launch. Send too little to that stakeholder that needs to be more engaged and risk having them in the dark later when you need them the most. And launching a product, it's not enough to just identify the key stakeholders. You must create a deliberate and strategic communication strategy that balances the stakeholders needs with your own time and resources. A great way to map your communication efforts is to use the Mendelow's matrix to make your launch run more smoothly And garner…
