From the course: Product Management: Launching Your Product

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The importance of holding a product retrospective

The importance of holding a product retrospective

From the course: Product Management: Launching Your Product

The importance of holding a product retrospective

- After a big push like launching a product, it's easy for certain details to be forgotten. When a launch is successful, we forget about the problems and instead focus on the wins. Or when the launch goes poorly, we lose sight of what was done well, emphasizing what went wrong. To uncover insights that help your team improve internal processes and increase customer satisfaction for future launches, hold a retrospective. A retrospective, also referred to as a debrief or post mortem, is a discussion at the end of a project to identify and analyze elements that were successful or unsuccessful. The retrospective is not about being defensive or finger pointing at team members that made mistakes. Instead, it's a positive learning-focused meeting held with your stakeholders. Before you schedule your retrospective with your team, gather information through a pre-meeting questionnaire. This questionnaire isn't about pointing out the good and bad of the launch. Instead, it should focus on…
