From the course: Product Management: Launching Your Product

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Problem statements are your guiding star

Problem statements are your guiding star

- Behind every great product is a worthy problem being solved. In Uber's early start up days, it's founders saw the issues people faced in San Francisco. The need to get across town, but the problem of slow and inefficient taxi dispatch. I lived in San Francisco before Uber took off and in certain areas of the city, it was impossible to hail a cab. When I called for a pickup, it took 30 minutes before a taxi arrived. Uber capitalized on that problem by designing and developing a solution and then kept the problem top of mind when they launched their product and incorporated marketing strategies too. When creating your product launch plan, stay grounded by the problem you're trying to solve and use a problem statement as your guiding star. The problem statement is a clear concise description of the problem and fills in the blank between what should be happening and what is actually happening. The simple formula to a problem statement is the following. X users need a way to do Y need…
