From the course: Product Management: Launching Your Product

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How to engage your team in strategic planning

How to engage your team in strategic planning

From the course: Product Management: Launching Your Product

How to engage your team in strategic planning

- What's the difference between a failed product launch and a product that's considered a smashing success? The successful product went through the process to understand its strengths, identify new opportunities, and create a plan based on strategic goals. With a product launch, I like to add the SOAR framework to my toolkit. It's a great planning tool that can provide a more meaningful and clear strategic direction. The SOAR framework is made up of four key areas: strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results. I've shared a SOAR framework that you can download to follow along now and fill out with your team later. When you lead your team through this activity together, the collaboration and diversity in thinking will help you to land on a better strategy. Plus, people are more likely to commit to the goals and objectives when they help to create them. Starting at the top left quadrant, input your product's strengths. This is what makes your product stand out among competitors…
