From the course: Product Management: Launching Your Product

Getting the most out of this course

- If you're a beginner, just starting your product journey, you may be inclined to dive into this course by starting with a more tactical lesson, like the product launch checklist. If you're more experienced in launching products, then you might have the urge to handpick lessons of interest, like how to balance speed and quality. While you're free to take this course as you see fit, I urge you to consider taking it in its entirety because when it comes to launching a product, you don't know what you don't know. There are so many unknowns. Too many factors that may not have been considered. And this changes with each product launch we do. So knowing that you don't know everything, how do you go about learning more to ensure a successful launch? It requires participating in this course, reflecting and thinking about each lesson and tweaking your own strategic plan along the way. A lesson may highlight a new strategy or step that you hadn't considered, or give you a tip that you can use in bringing your team and organization along for your product launch. To get the most out of this course, I suggest the following: one, watch the entire course. Two, share the course with team members to get them on the same page and involved in helping build your product launch plan. And three, engage with me on LinkedIn and with other learners taking this course to share tips, tricks, and stories, or follow other companies and product leaders to continue to find inspiration for your product journey. We are in this together. Start by committing the time to learning more about how to successfully launch your product.
