From the course: Product Design: From Sketch to CAD

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Refining the model's details

Refining the model's details

- [Instructor] To begin working on the details for the handle, we're going to start by creating some curves to separate the areas that have the color. So the first thing I'm going to do is select our blade curve here. And we want to split it with the handle. So I'll type in Split. We'll select the handle curves. We'll hit Enter and deselect what we want to keep. And delete what's inside. We can now take this middle curve here because we no longer need it. We have so many different reference points that we can use as our midline. For example, the mid here. And the mid of this line easily represents our center mirroring point or center snap. The first thing we need to do is round off some of these edges here. Because you can clearly see that there is some curve here. There is a little bit of a curve here and there's a curve there. So you don't want to keep these sharp. So what I'm going to do is go into our Circle tools. And run, again, the Circle Tangent to 3 Curves. We'll just zoom in…
