From the course: Product Design: From Sketch to CAD

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Confirming the size and curves

Confirming the size and curves

- [Instructor] As we come to the final stage of this course, we've developed a more accurate design for the screwdriver. We are now ready to bring the design to life by adding color. We are also ready to add notes, describing the materials and textures used. I also want to mention that I already have in my screen here, an eight and a half by 11 document. Which is a regular size letter that you can print. Please also note that if we open up our file that we've just created in Rhino. Okay, I'm going to zoom out a bit. You can see that the actual Rhino document is way past, if you look at the handle end and the tip, it goes way past eight and a half by 11 Again, this is something that really won't fit when printed. So you have a couple of options now. Option one is you could stay with this scale if you feel like it needs to be a one to one ratio for your client. The only thing is you're going to have to work with a much larger document and if you do have the resources to find a printer…
