From the course: Practical Engineering

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Trompe air compressors

Trompe air compressors

- This is the Ragged Chute hydropower plant on the Montreal River in Eastern Ontario, Canada. It doesn't look like much from an aerial photo, but that's because the most interesting parts of this facility are underground. Two massive vertical shafts and a large tunnel connecting the two. Before it was converted to generate electricity, Ragged Chute was one of the world's only water-powered compressed air plants. Starting around 1910, this plant sold compressed air to be used in the silver mines around Cobalt, Ontario. The way this ingenious facility harnessed the power of water to generate compressed air with no moving parts is fascinating and its use is seeing a small revival in modern days. Hey, I'm Grady and this is "Practical Engineering." On today's episode, we're talkin' about the trompe. (upbeat music) (relaxing music) Compressed air is an excellent way to store and transport energy. It's not quite as…
