From the course: Practical Engineering

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Pumped storage

Pumped storage

- [Instructor] Electricity faces a fundamental problem that comes with pretty much any product that's provided on-demand, our ability to generate large amounts of it doesn't match up that closely with when we need it. Wind and solar are becoming more cost-effective, but they'll always be unreliable and intermittent sources of energy. Retailers use warehouses to store goods between manufacture and sale, water utilities use tanks and reservoirs. But the storage of electricity for later use, especially on a large scale, is quite a bit more challenging. That's why power grids are mostly real time systems with generation ramped up or down to meet fluctuating demands instantaneously. That's not to say, though, that we don't store energy at grid-scale, and there's one type of storage that makes up the vast majority of our current capacity. Hey, I'm Grady, and this is "Practical Engineering." On today's episode, we're talking…
