From the course: Practical Engineering

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Geometric design of highways

Geometric design of highways

From the course: Practical Engineering

Geometric design of highways

- Laying out a new roadway seems like a simple endeavor: you have two points to connect and you're trying to create a simple, efficient path between them. But there are lots of small decisions that make up roadway design, nearly every one of which is made to keep motorists safe and comfortable. Although many of us are regular drivers, we rarely put much thought into roads. That's on purpose. If you're thinking about the roadway itself at all while driving, it's probably because it was poorly designed. Either that or you, like me, are just innately curious about the constructed environment. If you put it in the context of human history and evolution, it's a remarkable thing we're able to put ourselves in metal boxes that hurdle away at incredible speeds from place to place. It's not entirely safe, but it's safe enough that most of the world chooses to do it on a regular basis. And the place that level of safety and…
