From the course: Practical Engineering

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Concrete reinforcement

Concrete reinforcement

- In the last video we talked about concrete 101 and why concrete is such a great construction material, but I didn't mention its greatest weakness. Hey, I'm Grady and this is Practical Engineering. On today's episode, we're continuing the series on concrete with a discussion of reinforcement. (upbeat music) - To understand concrete's greatest weakness, first we need to know a little bit about mechanics of materials, which is the fancy way of saying how materials behave under stress. Stress in this case is not referring to anxiety or existential dread but rather the internal forces of the material. There are three fundamental types of stress, compression: pushing together, tension: pulling apart and shear: sliding along a minor plane. And not all materials can resist each type of stress equally. It turns out that concrete is very strong in compression and weak in tension. But you don't have to take my word for it. Here's a demonstration. These two concrete cylinders were cast from the…
