From the course: Objectified

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Tim Brown

Tim Brown

- I think if you ask almost any product designer, you know, what was the most important toy of their childhood it's going to be Lego, at least it was for me. I mean I was building stuff with Lego. I remember when I was very little we had big power cuts in England, and I remember I built all sorts of lanterns and torches out of my Lego for my mother so she could cook our dinner while we didn't have any power. So I was kind of designing products I suppose, that was probably, I was less certainly younger than 10 at that point, and built kind of airplanes and all those sorts of things. I just, yeah, I spent my whole childhood building stuff. I think we adore objects because they somehow become part of us and our behavior. And they become part of our behavior both at a sort of functional level and they do a job we enjoy getting done, or they do something we enjoy doing. But also at an emotional level, they do it in a way that somehow sits with us, and suits us, and we feel good about. And…
