From the course: Objectified

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(wind blowing) - If one's really honest with oneself, most of what you design ends up in a landfill somewhere. And I'm pretty sure most of the products that I have designed in my career, most instances of that, of the millions of things that have been produced, are probably in landfills today. That isn't something that I was conscious of when I started working in design. It didn't really even occur to me, because it didn't really occur to us as a society, I think. Now to be a designer, you have to take that into consideration. Because we have to think about these complex systems in which our products exist. - If the shelf-life of a high tech object is less than 11 months, it should be all 100 percent disposable. You know, I think my laptop in a way should be made of cardboard. Or my mobile phone could be a piece of cardboard. Or it could be just made out of, I don't know, something like sugar cane or some bipolastic, et cetera. Why on earth does anything have to be built to be…
