From the course: Objectified

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Dunne & Raby

Dunne & Raby

(engine revs) - We use design as a medium to try and explore ideas, find out things, question. We've got cinema, fine arts, literature, craft. Every other medium seems to have a part that's dedicated to just reflecting on important issues. Yet design, the thing that's responsible for so much of the built environment around us doesn't do that. I think that's one of the things that attracts us. So even though our design ideas are never really put into mass production, we always try to suggest that they could be mass produced or they could be on the scale of hundreds of thousands because that's part of, of what we're interested in, really. - We love the idea that with a product or shopping, we love, we love showrooms. Cause what is a showroom? You go in there, you know, around Ikea, and you imagine this goes in your home or something, you project yourself into this other space. But you could actually buy that and have it at home. - It's true, when you walk into a gallery, you don't…
