From the course: Objectified

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Chris Bangle

Chris Bangle

- Cars are the biggest and most abundant set of sculptures that we have in contact every day in our lives. Although they're reproduced by machines and their computer milled stamps that make them, actually, every one of them was originally carved by hand by men and women using techniques not a whole lot different than Michaelangelo. Car designers are making extremely dynamic, sexy objects, in theory, but in reality, they're bending metal, plastic, glass. This isn't like a woman coming down a catwalk where she swish in the dresses and showing a little bit here and there and really getting your eyes to goggle, uh-uh. This thing is frozen in time, which means we have to create it in a way so that you as the observer will look at it and you put the motion into it by the way you scan it because that car has to be a reflection of that emotional energy that you want to see in it. I believe very strongly in the emotional authenticity of the product. It should reflect what it is. So if the…
