From the course: Objectified

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Bill Moggridge

Bill Moggridge

- So the door is one of the features here It's got this sort of hinge in the middle so as you go through, it opens a little place for kids to run in and out on the other side. And then, the experience when you come in here We have this big, sort of, screen of shelves which allow you to have a sense of lots of stuff. But also you can see through them to the view through the windows on the outside. So the long distance view is the ocean. You can experience for the first time through these shelves so this is sort of conflict of interest between the stuff on the shelves and the view that you see behind it which is entertaining I think. And then this is my collection of plastic food from Japan Yeah this fin is like.... look how delicate that fin is. And that's actually a cast, Actually a real fin. You can see it on the top surface there. And then you get these beautiful calligraphy of putting these very subtle forms back onto the surface of the belly or the scales of the side. Do admire…
