From the course: Objectified

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Andrew Blauvelt

Andrew Blauvelt

- Somebody asked me, "Well, what isn't design?" And I was kind of stumped because when you think about it, the human built environment is a designed world. Sometimes we know who these designers are, sometimes we don't. But anything that's touched by man is transformed by man, is by its very nature, design. I think the automobile, in America at least, is the quintessential status object. It's kind of like people and their dogs, you know, what kind of automobile should you be owning, but the thing I find most fascinating isn't really the shifts in car design, over the last few decades, and there's obviously different debates from different car owners about which direction the design's going. But it actually was the introduction of the flip key. Of course, you had all the electronic functions, right, for the alarm and for the unlocking the vehicle, that could all be embodied in this small object. But this is the part of the car that's always with you. It does provide a kind of direct…
