From the course: Node.js: Web Servers, Tests, and Deployment

Working with VS Code

- [Instructor] The tool I'm going to be using to edit the code for this class is Visual Studio. If you haven't used Visual Studio Code before, it's a free app that you can use for all sorts of different languages. So if you'd like to download it, you can. This will identify what type of machine you're using to access this. And then you can just go ahead and download this, kind of like we did with Node.js before. We are going to show this in our Finder and then this should download this to our computer. So you can drag the Exercise Files folder over Visual Studio Code in the doc and this will open this up for you. Now, something to note is that, and this is a question I get asked all the time, so if you're looking for a theme, meaning you're looking for a color scheme for your installation of VS code, what you can do is go to the Code menu, go to Preferences, go to Color Theme. And this is going to expose a whole list of the available ones, as well as additional color themes that you can install. So the one that I'm actually using here is called Night Owl. So you should be able to find this in that list. So there's Night Owl Dark, there's Night Owl Light if you prefer that mode. I'm going to stick with Night Owl Dark for the purposes of the class today. Night Owl, there we go.
