From the course: Node.js: Web Servers, Tests, and Deployment

What you should know

- [Instructor] Let's make sure we have everything we need for the course. Now the first thing we can do is open up our terminal or command prompt and type node -v and this should return the version number that we're currently using. So if this says anything above version 17 or 18, you should be okay, you don't really need to download anything new. If you want to get the latest version, or if you type this in and you see an error, you want to grab the latest version from the Node.js website. So here on the website, they just pushed a new version of this site. It's looking pretty slick. All you need to do is click on Node.js LTS, or if you wanted to get kind of the most recent features, you could always click down here, want new features sooner. If you're curious about more on these versions and things like that, you can always click on Download and fill out this little installer. I want this version for the following operating system, running one of these. So that's an option for you as well. If you do need to download it though, it'll take you through the process of using an installer. So this is going to download this. I'm going to open that installer and it's going to pop open a window that looks like this. We'll just hit Continue a bunch of times until we install. It may ask for your password as well. Alright, and then you should be all set. Something to remember is if you're installing this for the first time, sometimes you need to close and reopen your terminal window or command prompt to make sure that this is installed. This is Node working...
