From the course: Node.js: Web Servers, Tests, and Deployment

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Using tiny-timer

Using tiny-timer

- [Instructor] All right, let's continue to work with our little timer app. I want to make sure that we are navigated to the correct folder first. Looks like we are and then we'll run node index. Now, if you ever see this error, cannot find package, it's just because you have to run an npm install again inside of this folder. The next thing we'll do is run it again and we should see that this is running. Remember, we have to pass a time flag and then we should get that value back. We'll take another look over here at the npm registry. I'm going to look for something called tiny-timer. Tiny-timer is a countdown timer that we can use to call a few different functions. So we have our timer.on function. Every little tick is going to console.log that message. So what we are really looking to do is we'll collect this value from our users, and then we're going to pump it into these functions. The first thing we want to do is…
