From the course: Node.js: Web Servers, Tests, and Deployment

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The package.json file

The package.json file

- So far we've used core modules, the modules that are installed when you install Node.js. So these include things like HTTP, like fs, like exec, util, all sorts of things like this. We can require them by name because they're available with our installation of Node. So all I have to do is this. I don't have to install anything separately. But there are other modules out there, community modules created by open source developers, and we can install and use those modules too. Node.js community modules are hosted and shared for free with npm. You can come here to find different Node modules and even publish your own. And you also can have a private account. So your business can publish and share modules privately with npm as well. So when you installed Node, you already installed npm. So if I go to npm -v, this is going to let me know what my current version is. So before we can start to use some of these npm packages, we…
