From the course: Node.js: Web Servers, Tests, and Deployment

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Managing packages

Managing packages

- So far, we've created a little countdown module that's dependent on a few other Node.js packages in order to make this work. So if you ever see a folder that doesn't have the dependencies installed, all you need to do of course is run NPM install and you'll get that node modules folder. The other thing that's really nice about this package JSON file is something we haven't talked about yet. We have this script's key here and the script's key has a test command with no test specified. So we actually want to replace tests. We're going to replace this with start, and then here, we'll get rid of this command and we'll say node index. Now what we'll see if we run NPM start is there's an error and that's because I'm not passing along those arguments with that start script. So I could say time, five, try that again. And we should be able to see our module is now running. So you can create as many of these as you'd like…
